Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Establish the brand, grow the brand, nurture the brand

If you are a business owner, the reputation of your brand is of the utmost importance. You want customers to be brand loyal. Have them seek out your product, and choose it over competitors. The goal is to forge an emotional connection with your customers. Build trust and communicate your message through the brand. Think about your brand's personality. What does it say? Think of the brands you choose and why you prefer them over others. The most successful brands will fulfill the brand promise. Think about Apple, Nike, Starbucks and other iconic brands that have been successful. Marketing strategy has helped them to establish brands that are rock-solid. They are companies that people turn to when they need computers, athletic shoes and coffee. Apple products are more expensive than Microsoft products but their customers are fiercely brand loyal. They know that paying more money is worth it since the product gives them more bang for their buck. One could buy a pair of athletic shoes for $20, but many choose to spend $75 for a pair made by Nike. The extra cost is worth it to them to have the right shoes. One can buy coffee for a lower price than they pay at Starbucks, but the customer chooses Starbucks because of ideas conveyed about the product through marketing efforts. The elements of a brand are promise, personality, image and USP (unique selling proposition), mentioned in a previous blog. What is the promise of your brand? Do you deliver? Ask the same questions about brand personality, image and USP. *Some information from "Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools & Methods for Web Developers" by Jason Miletsky.

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