Sunday, January 20, 2013

What brands are people talking about?

In this day and age, you want your brand to be discussed online, whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, news sites and the like. Lots of chatter about your brand online can translate into increased sales and a good reputation for your brand. So, what brands are people talking about on the web? For 2012, here are the top 10 most social brands according to Infergy, a social media analytics firm. 1. Twitter 2. Apple 3. Facebook 4. Google 5. Disney 6. LG 7. You Tube 8. Microsoft 9. Amazon 10. BBC So, while Facebook has more users, more people are talking about Twitter than Facebook. I'm sure that Mark Zuckerberg would like to change that. Anyway, these top 10 brand will not be going away any time soon. Information for this post came from:

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